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Socialize with Us!

*** Membership Renewal / Application ***

Annual J/30 Class Membership – Online Submission Preferred

(Pay via Credit Card, PayPal or Check)
Note: An email is sent by January 10th with a personalized membership application / renewal to all who are on file in the class database. 2023 dues remain the same amount as 2022. The Junior membership category for crew age 16 or under was added in 2013.

There are 5 options for J/30 Class membership available:
1. Join Online Now, or
2. Wait for an e-mail to be sent by March 31st
3. For those who do not renew by May 1st, will be mailed a renewal invoice.
4. Click Here to be emailed a Custom Link for your boat, or
5. Print this page and return per directions at the bottom

First ________________________________________   Last _____________________________________________

Spouse Name _____________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________

City __________________________  State _____________  Zip ________________

Member Type: Owner/Co-Owner ____          Assoc ____         Junior ______

Home Phone: (____) ___________    Mobile Phone: (____) ___________    Work Phone: (____) ____________

E-mail: __________________________________________________

Boat Name:_____________________________   Hull # (TSP # on Transom): ___________________   Sail #: _____________

Boat Berthed at: ____________________________  Boat Color: ____________________   Markings: ___________________

US Sailing Membership Number: ________________ (Leave blank if not a US Sailing Member)

Club affiliation(s): ______________________________________________________
We encourage all owners and members to continue to support the class organization. These dues support your class web site, the web forum and help defray the costs of organizing J/30 class events. I understand class membership with paid dues is required for those who sail in J/30 class events in addition to J/30 One Design Racing Rules and Specifications compliance.

Signed _____________________________________________________________ Date __________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
If you pay dues for anyone other than yourself, include their name, address, email address and phone number on this form for our class mailing list.

Membership Type Name(s) Number $ Total
Owner # @ $50
Co-Owners # @ $50
National Associate (crew and others) # @ $25
Junior (Age 16 and under) # @ $10
TOTAL PAID: $__________

Information for additional people included with this registration

Membership Type Name Address Phone Email

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Make Checks payable to J/30 Class Association and mail with completed form to:

J/30 Class Association
c/o Dan Mather
180 E Albany St
Oswego, NY 13126