Based on the
18 Sept 2008 Board of Governors meeting with subsequent
Rules Change Research from 18 Sept 2008 BOG Meeting and feedback, the following draft changes are being considered for 2009
J/30 Class Rules changes to the
2008 J/30 Class Rules with the proposed effective date being 1 May 2009. These will require approval with a vote by the J/30 Board of Governors at a meeting to be scheduled prior to becoming effective.
Summary of Proposed Rule Changes & Interpretations with Proposed Effective Date 1 May 2009- Makes the Quarter-Berth Cushions optional so they may be removed for racing (5.3)
- Clarifies measurement of headboard width to remove ambiguities due to the bolt rope or mast track slug. The original dimension of 158mm has been increased to 165mm and specifically adds the extended dimension of the bolt rope or mast track slug. Other measurement ambiguities involving the clew and its associated bolt rope are covered in the ISAF Equipment Rules of Sailing referred in these rules, so are not repeated. (
- Makes mainsail reef points optional (
- Reduces minimum spinnaker cloth weight from .75 oz nominal (.9 oz actual) to 0.5 oz nominal (.72 oz actual). The weight reduction changes from Airex 650 to Airex 500 as an approved spinnaker cloth. There is no intention with this change to allow one design racing with a choice of a 0.75 oz or 0.50 oz spinnaker for a regatta. Whatever sail is measured in must be used for the entire regatta, subject to exceptions by a damaged spinnaker per 6.2.1 (
- Rewords use of second spinnaker while racing as intended; Only a single spinnaker is used in a race unless damaged; the RC must be notified if this occurs (6.2.1)
- Updates the list of required safety equipment referring to Coast Guard regulations, and augments the list with one design required equipment and suggested optional safety equipment. The list has been reordered and grouped as Coast Guard Required, One Design Required, and Optional Suggested. (6.4)
Detailed changes by paragraph - Changed wording annotated
as italicized bold textParagraph 5.3 rules interpretation - existingStandard interior equipment includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- cushions for all berths and settees (V-Berth cushions may be removed for racing)
Paragraph 5.3 rules interpretation - proposedStandard interior equipment includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- cushions for all berths and settees (V-Berth and Quarter-Berth cushions may be removed for racing)
Paragraph rules - existing5.12.2.4 The width of the headboard measured at right angles to the mast shall not exceed 158 mm.
Paragraph rules - proposed5.12.2.4 The width of the headboard measured at right angles to the mast
including the mast track slug or bolt rope shall not exceed
165 mm.
Refer to Figure below
Figure - Headboard Measurment ______________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph rules - existing5.12.2.6 One reef shall be included at least 1675 mm above the tack at the luff and perpendicular to the mast. At least two intermediate grommets must be built into the sail on each reef. Additional reefs above the mandatory reef are permitted.
Paragraph rules - proposed5.12.2.6
Reef points are permitted, but not required. The optional reef point suggested location is at least 1675 mm above the tack at the luff and perpendicular to the mast. At least two intermediate grommets built into the sail
are suggested on each reef. Additional reefs above the
suggested optional reef are permitted.
Paragraph rules - existing5.12.6.1 Minimum cloth weight is 40 grams or 0.75 oz. nominal and 0.9 oz. actual weight. Spinnakers must be made of nylon. Airex 650 is one of several approved spinnaker cloths that meet this requirement.
Paragraph rules - proposed5.12.6.1 Minimum cloth weight is
30 grams or
0.50 oz. nominal and
0.72 oz. actual weight. Spinnakers must be made of nylon. Airex
500 is one of several approved spinnaker cloths that meet this requirement.
Paragraph 6.2.1 rules - existing6.2.1 The number of sails on board during a regatta series or race shall be four: #1, and #3 genoas , mainsail and spinnaker. A second spinnaker may be carried on board, but only used if the primary spinnaker is damaged. The #2 is optional.
Paragraph 6.2.1 rules - proposed6.2.1 The number of sails on board during a regatta series or race shall be four: #1, and #3 genoas , mainsail and spinnaker. The #2
genoa is optional. A second spinnaker may be carried on board, but only used
in a given race if the primary spinnaker is damaged.
In the event the second spinnaker is used during a regatta, the Race Committee shall be notified as soon as practicable.______________________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 6.4 rules - existing6.4 Safety Gear and Equipment. In addition to safety equipment required by Coast Guard and local regulations, the following equipment shall be carried onboard for one design racing.
- Permanently installed navigation lights in working order
- Fixed non-electric compass
- Fog horn
- Two water resistant flashlights
- Two fire extinguishers of type and capacity required by local and Coast Guard regulations
- PFD for each member of the crew
- One throw-able lifesaving device within reach of the helmsman
- Equipment capable of disconnecting or severing the standing rigging
- First Aid Kit and manual
- Five soft wood plugs of size to fit each below waterline through hull fitting
- One permanently fitted manual bilge pump operable from the cockpit with all hatches, lockers and companionways closed. If handle is removable, it shall be tethered to prevent loss
- Two rigid buckets with lanyards having a minimum capacity of two gallons each
- One anchor and rode
- Radar reflector (with minimum diameter of 8-10")
- Depth sounder (or lead line)
- Radio receiver capable of receiving weather bulletins
- Distress signals meeting USCG requirements
- Heaving line (minimum 50' length) within reach of the helmsman
For local and national events the notice of race and sailing instructions may require additional safety equipment.
Paragraph 6.4 rules - proposed6.4 Safety Gear and Equipment. In addition to safety equipment required by Coast Guard and local regulations, the following equipment shall be carried onboard for one design racing.
Optional suggested safety equipment is also included.
Coast Guard Required- Fog horn
- Two fire extinguishers of type and capacity required by local and Coast Guard regulations
- PFD for each member of the crew
- One throw-able lifesaving device within reach of the helmsman
- Distress signals meeting USCG requirements
- Permanently installed navigation lights in working order
One Design Required- Fixed non-electric compass
- One anchor and rode
- One permanently fitted manual bilge pump operable from the cockpit with all hatches, lockers and companionways closed. If handle is removable, it shall be tethered to prevent loss
- Depth sounder (or lead line)
- Radio receiver capable of receiving weather bulletins
Optional Suggested Equipment- Equipment capable of disconnecting or severing the standing rigging
- First Aid Kit and manual
- Five soft wood plugs of size to fit each below waterline through hull fitting
- Two water resistant flashlights
- Two rigid buckets with lanyards having a minimum capacity of two gallons each
- Radar reflector (with minimum diameter of 8-10")
- Heaving line (minimum 50' length) within reach of the helmsman
For local and national events the notice of race and sailing instructions may require additional safety equipment.