
I have to agree.....I don't class race but I do like PHRF.

I don't have a Dacron main and I don't miss out much on that....

Perhaps because I don't race one design I am the one of the last to speak out about such things. I do wish to support the position that Russ has taken....I agree with him in principle.

My non Dacron main needs replacing finally anD I will look to newer technology materials as Dacron is more suited to cruising and antiquated notions of history in my view.....

In Southern Connecticut and western L.I. Sound the J 30 has always been a great class and it continues to be so...thanks to CPYC and others,albeit it may be losing ground due to other advances in technology, meaning the J 70's ... a class that proliferates like beneficial microbes in the garden. Meanwhile a class that is losing participation might want to be more accommodating.

Perhaps for that reason the board will need to lighten up down the road....? who knows. I am a beer can racer , perhaps a mere novice.

I only weighed in because I think the debate is useful. I encourage others to chime in as I am certain there are many factors we have yet to consider.


Good luck

Barry Butler
Fairfield CT